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Fort Lauderdale Solicitation Attorney

Have you been arrested for prostitution or solicitation?

Prostitution and solicitation are terms that are used interchangeably to describe the giving or receiving of trading sexual acts for currency or something of value in return. Florida law is strict in regards to solicitation charges, and there are a wide variety of acts that can be classified as this type of crime. In addition to the basic definition of prostitution given above, a person can also be arrested for the solicitation of another person known as pimping.

Solicitation can also occur on the Internet, and the act of simply soliciting sexual activity on the Internet from a child under the age of 16 is enough to support a conviction due to the 2006 amendments to the Florida law. Generally, prostitution is not considered to be a felony crime but the punishment for prostitution includes a minor prison sentence, fine and/or probation. Because the sentencing for prostitution is left up to the discretion of the law enforcement system and the District Attorney, it is important to secure the help of a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney who can defend your rights.

Fort Lauderdale Sex Crime Lawyer

Even a first conviction for prostitution/solicitation can result in 60 days in county jail, and this number rises significantly with every repeated offense. If the offense involves a minor and prostitution, the situation is much more serious. You may face up to 15 years in prison if you are convicted, a sentence that will drastically change your life.

In order to fight your solicitation charges with the best chance of succeeding, you need the help of our reputable criminal defense law firm. The defense lawyers at Parks & Braxton, PA have successfully handled thousands of criminal cases, and we are fully capable of handling your charges as well.

Contact a Fort Lauderdale sex crime attorney today for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your charges.

Obtain Immediate Legal Help

To save your license, you must act within 10 days. Contact a partner about your case at (954) 519-2290 or fill out the form here.

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